Thursday, November 30, 2006

One More November Post...

I haven't posted because I am sick...ugh. I am hoping I am on the mend, but nervous that the crud may have developed into a sinus infection. May have to go to the doctor tomorrow--but I do feel a bit better today.

I had a very special Birthday/Thanksgiving in Richmond with my mom and dad. Jeremy was sick while we were there (thanks for passing it to me, Jer!), but he seemed to heal up nicely after about 36 hours. We celebrtated my 30th birthday very low-key (except for the raging fire on top of my cake...that was pretty exciting!) and had a woderful non-turkey dinner of roasted pork loin on Thanksgiving( was delicious, Dad!). My mom and I even shopped a little on Black Friday--we spent an hour at Kohl's. I found a coat within 15 minutes of arriving. Then, stood in line for over half an hour waiting to pay for it. We decided to go home after that! We went to colonial Williamsburg on Saturday and spent the afternoon there walking the streets of old. We were hoping they would have the town decorated for Christmas, but no such luck!

It was definitely worth the 17+ hour drive there and back with the other 38 million Americans traveling, to be with my precious family--thanks for inviting us up and taking such good care of us, Mom and Dad!

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Wishing that I had put makeup on and fixed my hair that morning--but, c'mon, I was about to travel 8 hours in the car with two little ones!

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Our Thanksgiving meal and Ley checking out the homemade cranberry sauce (boy, was it good with that pork loin!!)

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Granddad and his kiddos!

Colonial Williamsburg, VA

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Bike Helmets and Parking Spaces...

Just a little humor on this special day. Jeremy and I were married seven years ago today... Does it seem like it has been that many years?!? Most days, yes... The title of this post refers to my faves in the following joke. Happy Anniversary, J...

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Men are Like......

they only show up when there's food on the table.

they usually run at the first sign of emotion. helmets
they're good in emergencies but usually just look silly.

.....government bonds
they take so long to mature.

you need them in reproduction but that's about it.

.....lava lamps
fun to look at it but not all that bright. accounts
without a lot of money they don't generate a lot of interest.

.....high heels
they're easy to walk on once you get the hang of it. skirts
if your not careful they'll creep up your legs.

keep one around long enough and your gonna want to shoot it!

they irritate the crap out of you.

the older they get, the less firm they are.
nothing can be done to change them.

you need one, but you're not quite sure why.

you can't believe a word they say.

.....department stores
their clothes are always 1/2 off.

they always tell you what to do and are usually wrong.

.....parking spaces
all the good ones are taken, the rest are handicapped.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

WARNING: This will make you dizzy...

Welcome to life with Leighton...he never stops. Okay, it just feels like he never stops because during the time when he does sleep (stopping=sleeping), I am sleeping also. He took a 20 minute nap today (he normally sleeps 1 1/2 to 2 hours) and the following resulted. You may want to wait 30 minutes to an hour to watch this if you just ate or drank...

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Thursday, November 09, 2006

I Heart Monochrome...

Just a black-and-white montage of mostly Madden...

Monday, November 06, 2006

Slow start this morning...

Here are a few pics of Ley and Maddie. Leighton has become all about Spiderman the last few weeks (since seeing his cousins in LA--he watched the movie with them). He runs around in his muscle suit singing, "Spiderman, nobody knows who you are!" and shooting webs out of his pointer finger. We even borrowed the movie and with the aid of TVGuardian (that technology is pretty great), he has loved watching the action flick.

Madden is doing great...sleeping throught the night again. She loves to be held all the time. She will play by herself on the floor or in the doorway jumper for short amounts of time. She is rolling around all over the place. Oh, and she is very entertained by Ley. She still loves to be swaddled, and my pastor, Larry, asked me on Sunday if I was going to wrap her up like that until she was 14!?! I told him I was going to do whatever worked as long as it continued to work (I definitely have a few more weeks of 'baby burrito-ing'--I wrapped Ley until he was 5 1/2 months old and he was much bigger than her)! I started trying Baby Einstein DVDs for her, but she is not too interested yet. Maybe she would watch them if I was holding her!! Due to teething, she always has something in her mouth. It is so hard to get a good picture these days! I can't believe she is almost 5 months old...

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Sleep, I miss you...Come home soon...

Daylight Savings Time is bittersweet. You understand this if you have kids! It is really tough on the little ones' schedules. And for that matter, it affects me too. I was so blessed to have a baby who sleeps to between 8-9 AM in the morning. Now that has changed to 7-8 AM. Okay, that is still not bad at all, except Ley is getting up at 6 or 6:30 AM now! I am so not a morning person; I have never been a morning person. I know that there are moms who get up at 5 AM due to their sweet litle children's body clocks (so I should NOT complain), but I just needed to vent. My body and my brain miss the extra sleep in the AM. I am off the decaf and on something with a little kick (I love that Folgers makes a Lite coffee with half the caffeine of regular coffee...).

I can't believe it is already November and that I have not posted in two weeks! We made a whirlwind trip back to North LA to visit our immediate family so they could meet Miss Madden (and Jeremy had a wedding gig to play, of course). We lived through the ordeal of traveling twelve hours with a 4 month old who truly dislikes her carseat. I can almost tune out her 'carseat' cry after listening to it for so long...

Madden had her 4 month check-up last week. She was 13 lbs and 24 1/4 in, which is 40 and 50 percentile consecutively! I kind of freaked a bit until Dr. Hobby assured me it was no big deal. She was in the 8o and 95 percentile at her two month appt. He said as long as she is doing everything she is supposed to as far as milestones and developmentally (which she is), that she is just a little baby. This is foreign to me considering Leighton never fell out of the 90 percentile! At 4 months, he was 2 1/2 lbs heavier and almost 3 in longer than Maddie! Anyway, Madden made it through another set of shots; and Jeremy, Leighton and I have all received our flu shots this year per the Dr. to try and protect sweet baby girl (as well as ourselves, but not sure I could have talked Jeremy into getting one if I didn't play the "Dr. said you had to because of Maddie" card).

We had fun trick or treating this year. Leighton was in his usual form this year. He thinks when someone opens their door to him with a bowl of candy that this means he is welcome to come on in! We had to keep reminding him not to enter the homes...He loved his costume and we will continue to get lots of wear out of it since he loves to play dress up. Madden was a chili pepper courtesy of her friend Jackson. I wasn't going to dress her up but decided to at the last minute since Ashley had the costume, and Jeremy really wanted her to be something. It was a bit big, but we didn't mind and neither did she.