Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Mom List: Four Mysteries of Motherhood

I couldn't resist posting this little blip from my monthly Parenting magazine...although I should be writing about all the stuff going on in our lives right now...hopefully there will be a second post today.

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4 mysteries of motherhood:

1. Why your children need you urgently--the instant you step in the shower.

2. How two kids are easier to take care of than one.

3. Why fruit snacks are neither fruit nor snacks, but candy.

4. The way the days can drag on forever, but the years go by so fast.
--Charlotte Latvala

The fruit snack mystery really made me smile because they are such a hot commodity in our house...Ley loves them and would eat goodness knows how many of these "corn syrup-filled chews in a bag" a day if I would let him! I have to remind him over and over that they are not a snack, they are a treat!