Friday, March 09, 2007

Surprise... I'm back, then gone again...

Okay, well, it's been awhile....I know this. I am not your normal blogger though. I reserve the right to drop from the blogosphere whenever needed. And, well, it couldn't be helped. Life is a little nuts right now at the Davis house, but I wanted to at least write something before we leave to 'vacation' in North LA for a week. I definitely won't be posting pics or any wonderful words of wisdom while I am there. Our time there will be busy to say the least, but hopefully enjoyable. I tend to not write much when I don't have photos to post with it and well, I haven't taken many pics of the kids lately (yes, I have been slacking in many ways; you would know this if you saw my house and my half-packed bags!). I do have this lovely little montage of older photos along with a few new ones...hope you enjoy and will hopefully have lots of fun and interesting news when we return from the distant land of the Twin Cities...