Sunday, July 15, 2007


Here are some recent photos of Ley with his new summer haircut (thanks to his brave Daddy--I was so scared he was going to give L a hack-job, but J did GREAT; I apologize for my lack of trust, J!!). He is such a mess these days--full of energy and life (as well as sassiness and disobedience). I look at these pictures, and I cannot believe he is getting so big! Pretty soon, there will not be even an ounce of preschooler in him! He is excited for school and AWANAs to begin again soon and of course, ready to meet his little brother...

And here are the pictures of Madden's birthday (finally--sorry, I am slacking) we had after Bible study one night. She really seemed to enjoy the cake, ice cream and cold milk! She was not too interested in opening presents, but loved the balloons on her highchair. Though our extended families are far from us, we had a lot of fun celebrating her special day with our church family! There are also several random photos after all the birthday shots at the end of the slideshow...