Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Tummy Photos and Update

I am now 35 weeks++ and have been feeling the pain of pregnancy as well as the slack of being a third-time Mom. How quickly you forget the discomforts though (especially for someone like me who has been pregnant for like the past two years!!). One ankle has started to swell a little and man, it aches! Getting out of the bed or even moving around in bed, is quite the feat (and I am sure quite funny if there were any onlookers to see it). I am sure when I tell people that I possibly have 5 weeks left (give or take a couple), they wonder how my stomach could get any bigger! I feel nauseous again at random times...My maternity clothes are starting to feel quite snug. I think of all the things that need to be done around the house and then I get winded just doing a load of laundry. There is no hospital bag packed for the event of labor. I have not pre-registered at the hospital (which I had done weeks ago by this time with Madden!). I have no baby book for this little one. I have just recently pulled out Ley's baby clothes and they are lying in a mound in my bedroom yet to be aired out (to remove moth ball scent), washed, and put away. There is no crib set up for sweet Miller. I could go on, but I won't because I am whining and I am on my almost 5 year old constantly not to do it. So, I will try to set an example and not whine either!

Anyway, I am TRYING to enjoy this last tri of my LAST pregnancy. No, really, this is it for the Davis clan; unless it is in God's plan for us to adopt someday down the road. No matter how many times you are with child, the amazing-ness of it all never gets old! I love the wonders of pregnancy! As many ultrsounds as I have had this pregnancy, I have found that statement holds true! It is like, WOW, God you are so awesome to allow this little life to grow inside of me. I see his tiny profile and arms, legs, and hands every week and just get excited to meet him. I don't think I could love motherhood more than I do--with all its conflicts and difficult times(in the here and now as well as those to come), it is so worth it. Thank you, Father, for this calling in my life.

Okay, that's not the half of what's going on in the Davis home these days. Ley is enjoying school and also enjoying the new haircut his father bestowed upon him (a sort-of fauxhawk look...cute, yet interesting). He is trying to get over a repiratory infection or something that has been growing almost since school started (imagine that)--so, lots of phlegm, mucus, coughing, and misunderstood words. Leighton is so full of questions all the time that sometimes I think my brain may seriously explode. He asks questions for things he even already knows the answer to which really drives me nutty! He is excited to meet his baby brother...

Madden is our little runner these days. She pretty much speed walks everywhere. She is into everything and learning to hold her own against her brother. Okay, maybe she can't hold her own, but she screams to let you know that Leighton is pulling, dragging, poking, or prodding her in some fashion. She screams alot these days; she is developing quite the temper. She is also so full of laughs though and has some of the quirkiest little faces and body movements that crack Jeremy and me up regularly. SHe loves to give kisses to us as well as her baby dolls, toys, and sometimes photos and magazines too. She is quite affectionate (on her own terms of course!). She still only has two teeth, but I think she may be working on some more. She pretty much only says baby, ut-oh, hey, dada, and mama, but she knows what lots of things are (i.e. body parts, names of toys, animals, etc.). We are working on being 'gentle' these days. She like to pinch you to get your attention but as soon as you give her a hurt look and say, 'Be gentle!', she rubs you semi-softly. Hope she doesn't rough up her little brother too badly...she is in for a rud awakening when he gets here I think!

Last but not least, Miller is growing like a champ. I have been having ultrasounds very often due to a bout of parvo virus (Fifth's disease) early in my pregnancy and he looks great in there. Yesterday at the perinatologist, the technician said, "Look at those fat rolls!" So, he will most probably not be a little fella--he is very active, even at this stage in pregnancy. Also, Miller is head down so that is a blessing, especially since Madden was breech up until just 2 days before she was born! I am very ready to meet him whenever he is ready!

Jeremy is working hard these days at his radio job. We are looking forward to a long Labor day weekend though...we hope to have some fun, as well as get some things done around the house. Hope you all have a relaxing and fun Labor Day! Hope to have some pics of the kids to post soon...

Friday, August 10, 2007

So, we have had no computer at home for the past three weeks until yesterday. So, for once, I was not on an unannounced blogging hiatus but just without access to all things internet. Truthfully, I didn't miss it as much as I thought I would except for a few things (like all my beautiful blogging buddies and their sweet families!): not being able to look at used vehicles online when we are down to the wire for buying something for our soon-to-expand family (!!!!), ordering Miller's mini-crib online (yes, we will be the proud owners of not one crib, but TWO--but I refuse to kick sweet Maddie out of her crib in a few months!), and of course looking for deals on ebay :)

Things are really busy here and it is just TOO hot outside to get things done. Leighton finished two weeks of swim lessons last week and left on Monday with my parents to spend a week in Richmond before pre-k starts. I miss him terribly but I know he is having a good time and I have really enjoyed my time with Maddie, just the two of us (well, most of it; I didn't realize just how much Ley entertained his sister--she has been a little bored today!). We also took a weekend 'vacation' to the Georgia Aquarium and Stone Mountain in Atlanta at the end of July. Jeremy's family also came to visit us for 3 or four days the last weekend in July and we had a great time visiting with them (Ley really misses his cousins!!) Okay, that's all I have time for right now. I may be posting sporadically still because the laptop is still giving us problems and the PC is no longer internet compatible (that's the only way I know to say it:). Here's just a few pics until I can get it together and post some slide shows...

Taking a break from the fish at the aquarium...

Ley and his cousins, Justin and Garrett at Tybee Beach

Leighton is the king of Stone Mt!!

Surprise...Maddie loves the aquarium too!