Monday, July 21, 2008

don't ask!? - - volume 2

i wear my sunglasses at breakfast...

taking a bath in the dog's water sanitary

there's no words for the loveliness of this purse, shannon

you mean your VHS doesn't read DVDs!?!?!?

be all you can be, jer, really...

my favorite! what you do in our little town on a saturday afternoon...

Guess what... just a mile from my house, mere!?!? hope you and maddieboo are packing your bags! can't wait to see you both on thursday...just a few more wake-ups!!

ps--and my Sonic doesn't usually give a hard time about the often neglected, 'extra, EXTRA' ice!

Friday, July 18, 2008

The Boys...

Just realized the past couple of posts have been all about the girl--so here are some video and photos of the little men in my life...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Pig Tail Queen!

It's a milestone for my sweet Madden who has been oh so cutely 'ballhairded' (as our precious little friend, Emma, says!) for so long! My hair bow-making, ponytail putting-upper, hair trimming friend Helena put Mad's hair in pigtails yesterday. There is still very little to pull up, but who cares! I tried my hand at it today, but it didn't look quite as cute and she didn't stay quite as STILL for me...I suppose I have many years of practice to come.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Look at me!

I'm Maddie, could I BE wearing anymore clothes!?!?