Saturday, March 21, 2009
messy miller
i finally have allowed mill to to start feeding himself with his own utensils...i think i put it off so long because let's face it, who wants more mess to clean up?? but i must face the facts...he is 18 months old!!! unless i plan to feed him until he is like FIVE (uh, which i DO NOT plan to some other cultures, right anne?????)--i had better get on the stick. i found these handy little spoons at BRU:
he put up quite a fight and sat through half of dinner crying the first time i made him do the spooning himself. glad i didn't wait any longer, huh!?! he works these little spoons pretty well...that is until he realizes he could just use his hands instead! i was glad to happen upon these as he seems to like these a little better and definitely maneuvers them better than a regular toddler spoon. i wasn't at BRU to get specialty spoons though, i actually had to go there to buy this:
yes--turns out miller is one of those babes that turns into a beaver while teething...bless his little heart! this seems to have solved the wood chewing, paint eating problem though, thank goodness.
i am off to the AWANA grand prix to watch my oldest baby race his souped up cobra striped car! go #70!! photos to come--i hope!!
**just realized you could see him eating with his fancy-schmancy spoon in his photo and i didn't really need the big pic of the green spoon...but, oh well...**
Posted by Meredith for the Davises at 12:41 PM 2 comments
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Interview with Madden--age 2.5
i think mad is a bit young for this, but gave it a whirl anyway...pretty cute even though she didn't understand all the questions!...going to try it on leighton at some point...
1. What is something mommy always says to you?
2. What makes mommy happy?
3. What makes mommy sad?
wahhh! You say wahhh! You say that…
4. How does your mom make you laugh?
5. What was your mom like as a child?
bubby’s a boy…
6. How old is your mom?
7. How tall is your mom?
8. What is her favorite thing to do?
9. What does your mom do when you're not around?
go night-night
10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
cute, yes cute…
11. What is your mom really good at?
12. What is your mom not very good at?
tickle (??)
13. What does your mom do for her job?
don’t know what your job is…
14. What's your mom's favorite food?
‘ronis’ (macaroni…what we had for lunch!)
15. What makes you proud of your mom?
‘emmens’ (m&m’s…her potty prize!)
16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
she be mad (??)
Posted by Meredith for the Davises at 12:25 PM 0 comments
maddie is all about all things princess lately. she loves ariel especially. i snapped these photos when she was watching the little mermaid for the first time. her pretty princess dresses are too big right now and we have to cinch them at the back so they will somewhat stay on her little frame. she loves to dance and she will spin herself around with such great force, i fear for her safety (we will turn on dancing with the stars just to watch HER!). it is now a very common nightly ritual to sing the little mermaid song along with 'jesus, there's just something about that name'!
maddie is our little firecracker for sure! she is finally on the road to being completely potty trained. yes, i am so proud and relieved and just over-the-moon thankful! it all clicked with her a couple of weekends ago when jeremy and i went on a date and left her at the house with sweet nicole. i warned nicole that she was potty training--and that she would use the potty when she had 'no constraints' (aka nothing on her little bum!) but if she was wearing underwear or pull-up she would just use it like a diaper! to my great surprise, when we returned home, nicole told me she had pooped on the potty...twice!! and both times she had been in her pull-up and took them off to go, NO PROBLEM. i seriously teared up from joy!! turns out i should of gone out for a good time with the hubby and left her with nic weeks ago!! nicole, you are appreciated!!!! so far, since then--we have had only a few accidents. so, now i need to get her to stay dry at night...
Posted by Meredith for the Davises at 10:57 AM 4 comments