Monday, April 27, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
{easter 2009}...better late then never...
-- 2 Corinthians 9:14-15
our first year dying eggs...yes, i know, leighton is six! how awful is that?? we only dyed 9 eggs but it was fun...even mad and mill joined in the action...well, sort of (they were at the table so that counts!!) we were so glad that anne and granddad were able to come down for a short visit over easter!

we spent saturday evening making resurrection cookies and going on a resurrection egg hunt!! and all the kiddos actually DID get in on this great activity...madden loved the mixing...i gotta get this girl in my kitchen more often! my friend helena shared it with our ladies fellowship and that's how i learned about's a link though:
i couldn't have done all this without the help of anne and granddad (jer was playing music and unavailable!)! it was a wee bit difficult with the little ones--i think it would have spurred on more conversation if i had just done it with leighton...but you live and really need more than one adult for this activity though--someone to actually mix and put the ingredients together and another to read the scripture passages (and in our case, a third adult to wrangle an 18 month old!!)

...then, hunting for the resurrection eggs that go along with our book, benjamin's box (thanks so much, mama, for picking up this wonderful story for my kiddos and collecting all the 'treasures', too!!); we just made our resurrection eggs but you can buy them premade to go along with this VERY moving book, here...

here is leighton unsealing the cookies from the tomb on easter morning! He is risen indeed!!

...and finally easter morning before church! miller wasn't really displaying third child behavior as the text implies, but i couldn't resist!

mad was overjoyed with her nightgown and princess underwear...and she made it clear by immediately trying the latter on....that's my girl!

ley's loot!! he loved his indiana jones legos (these little sets provide HOURS of play for him! i need to save some $$$$ for one of the bigger sets!!) and star wars reader book! and ley made his easter 'basket' at school...his bunny can was super cute and it just so happened that i had not bought miller an easter basket last year when he was only 7 months old (call me frugal!) and had completely forgotten until this year! so, it worked out quite nicely...

finally--we did NOT get a family easter photo this year that turned out anywhere near decent...but we did, do we ever here are the random shots in the front yard--some with my mom, some with my dad....some with a kid here and there....crying...laughing...not looking at the camera...goofy know the drill...
Posted by Meredith for the Davises at 8:39 AM 2 comments
Sunday, April 05, 2009
"it's out!": tooth fairy to visit davis house!
and it is about time!! ley has had a loose tooth for a quite a few months now...and man, he would NOT wiggle that thing out! i kept telling him...'if you don't wiggle the tooth, it isn't going to become more loose and come out!' he didn't seem to care that much! but, today it was really on it's last leg. after our long day of sunday school then church (which we overslept for and were running around like chickens with our heads cut off!!), potluck lunch, and egg hunting (more like egg gathering :)--jeremy took leighton to the bathroom to get that little bad boy out! or so he is the video i shot of the two of them...
well, i didn't get any shots of the egg hunt at church today (like i said, we were running SO late, i was just glad everyone was fully dressed!), but we did take photos of leighton's mouth when just a mere 5 hours later, he no longer had that little baby tooth! ley did allow his daddy to pull it (with me holding his hand for moral support--ley's hand that is!!) with very little drama. he was nervous and then the blood freaked him out a bit (although he knew it was coming), but then he was over the moon excited! he can't wait for school tomorrow to show his teachers and friends!
before bed tonight, he told me that he thinks the tooth fairy builds her castle out of the teeth she collects (and he told her this in the little note we wrote for her!)--that's my leighton, his imagination never quits...and i wouldn't have it any other way! yeah for the firsts in our little ones lives--i know there will be many more little teeth to come {out}!!
Posted by Meredith for the Davises at 10:39 PM 1 comments