Miller went for his two month checkup last Tuesday and we found out he was very underweight. It has been a difficult week and a half. We had to go to the hospital and have labs drawn to make sure his electrolytes weren't off kilter (Praise God, they were not, or he would have been admitted!!) and then we went home and proceeded to pump him full of breast milk and a little formula too. The doc wanted him to get 4-6 oz every three hours and see if he gained any in by Thursday. We went back last Thursday and he had gained a few ounces. I have been nursing him as much as humanly possible, pumping as often as possible when I am not nursing or running after Madden, seeing the lactation consultant, using an SNS (supplemental nursing system) device to get more milk in him when he does nurse, taking fenugreek and other herbs to help increase my milk has been even busier around here than normal and I think I have been more tired than I was after he was first born!
He had his labs drawn again on Monday to check his liver enzymes (they were extremely elevated the first time but may just be due to him being a little dehydrated) and then to see the Doc again yesterday for a weight check and to get 2 month shots. Praise our Father in heaven above, he had gained 9 ounces since the first visit to the doctor 9 days before! God is so good and we are so relieved that he is gaining. I will be checking his weight at the doctor's office every couple of weeks to make sure the trend continues.
Thank you for all your prayers and I apologize to all my friends and loved ones who have no idea what has been going on--I just had no time to post about it the past several days. But, please continue to pray for Miller to be a strong eater and continue on his way to being a robust little fella; I really think that he might be a bit of a lazy eater which is quite foreign to me! Both Ley and Mad loved to nurse and were quite good at it. I am just now coming to terms with the fact that he is different than they are in this aspect and needs a little help and extra attention. It's been difficult for me though because nursing has always been SUPER easy for me--I am very thankful for all the support I have from friends close by and far away (Helena, Ash, Terri, and my Mere--you ROCK and I love you!)...I definitely have a much better view of why many new mommies don't stick with breastfeeding. If you don't have a core group of people to encourage you and tell you "You can do this!", it would be so easy to just quit...I am so blessed to be surrounded by uplifting and prayerful people!
I am going to stop now so I can post some pics...
Friday, November 30, 2007
Update: MillerMac
Posted by Meredith for the Davises at 10:39 AM 5 comments
Monday, November 26, 2007
So you think you can dance...
Maddie thinks so. Mad loves lots of things: eating, running, jumping, talking (what she says most of the time, we are not sure), EATING (and drinking milk), laughing, undressing (the best she can--usually halfway), playing outside, EATING :). But, one thing she really enjoys is dancing! She immediately begins to sway as soon as she hears the first notes of a song. She loves it! And she doesn't even need real music--you can just sing to her and she will begin to move, twirl and jump about! We love to watch cracks us up--maybe this will make you laugh, too!
Posted by Meredith for the Davises at 10:45 AM 4 comments
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Miller's Eyes!
My mom said in all Miller's photos, his eyes were closed. So, this is the best I can do right now, but at least you can see his big blue eyes. He is changing so much!
Also, since Madden didn't get to trick-or-treat this year, we dressed her up in Ley's bee costume from a few years ago (he actually wore it two years in a row!). It was a little big and she didn't really like the antennae hat so much...but we snapped a few shots anyway!
Posted by Meredith for the Davises at 10:42 AM 2 comments
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Let's Ride!
Ley received a hand-me-down bike from his pal, Alex. It is his first two-wheeler and Jeremy finally got training wheels on it. He is enjoying learning to ride and having a little trouble remembering how to BRAKE which makes any mommy a little fearful!
Posted by Meredith for the Davises at 12:52 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Photos, photos, and more photos!

Posted by Meredith for the Davises at 11:11 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Trick or Treat (don't forget to say Thank You!!)
I so wish I had time to actually write something worthwhile on this blog...but you know, I just don't. So, photos will just have to do until life resumes some sort of semblance of normalcy...yeah, I know, when will that ever be?! Here is Ley in all his superhero glory...I am SO glad Halloween is over and we are moving onto Thanksgiving and Christmas! By the way, there are no pics of Maddie because the littlest ones stayed home with me and gave out candy (this was the plan all along and it was for the best because Maddie is coming down with a chest cold, bless her heart)... pics of Maddiebug and MillerMac soon...
Posted by Meredith for the Davises at 9:01 AM 3 comments
Friday, October 19, 2007
One month ago today...
Can't believe Miller is already one month old!! Seems like just yesterday he was growing in my belly or I was holding him in the time flies by, especially when you have a newborn and two other little ones!
Miller is sleeping much better which I am so thankful for, and we have a pretty good little schedule going. Mornings are hard because he gets up around 3:30 or 4 AM to eat; I am usually able to go back to sleep by 5 AM and get a couple hours to snooze before I am up again at 7:30 AM to get Ley fed and ready for school. I get Maddie out of the bed at the last minute; give her a sippy cup of milk; pile everyone in the Tahoe and we are off...I am very thankful that Ley's school has car drop-off and pick-up or it would be a bit difficult for us! Just yesterday one of the teacher's looked at the three carseats lined up across my second-row seat and asked, "Do you have enough room in there for all those kids!?"
Here is one more pics of the other two Davis offspring in the tub as well as the biggest Davis kid :)
Posted by Meredith for the Davises at 4:02 PM 2 comments
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Monday, October 01, 2007
Miller Birth Photos
Finally, a little montage of Miller's birth last week and coming home...more to come when time permits. We are all doing well and my sweet Mom is still here and taking care of us for this next week. She is the most amazing help--I know this for a fact because this is her THIRD time to come and take care of me after childbirth. Just so you know how good she is, she took Miller last night and let me sleep like a rock and brought him to me when he needed to nurse! I feel so refreshed this morning... how blessed I am...I love you, Mama!
Enjoy the photos...
Posted by Meredith for the Davises at 11:24 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Miller Has Arrived...
...a week ago! Sorry guys, but things are a bit hectic in the Davis household, and I have just not had time to update. We are so glad he is here and arrived strong and healthy!
Miller McMurry Davis entered the world on Friday, September 21st at 12:33 pm weighing in at 9 pounds, 4 ounces and 22 inches long (yes, he is quite robust!). He is doing well and came home from the hospital after 24 hours (our shortest hospital stay yet!). Miller has not proven to be the great sleeper his sister was, but I am surviving and praying for improvement in this area :) Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers during this pregnancy, for a safe & natural delivery and a healthy, precious baby Miller! We are abundantly blessed...
Posted by Meredith for the Davises at 12:57 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Labor Day Weekend
Well, we had a very lazy weekend at home this Labor Day. We planned to do SOMETHING fun on Monday, but you know how it is with kids. You just never know what is going to happen. Ley got sick on Sunday evening and 'spit up' (this is what he calls it and I actually prefer the term to vomit, throw-up or puke) after we ate lunch at the local Mexican restaurant...I think he had something that didn't sit well on his tummy. No one else came down with whatever he had, thank goodness. He is still congested, coughing and on antibiotics for a few more days. I thought that this medicine would have kicked his cruddy cough, but not yet. Now Maddie is coughing too and I am congested as well. Not a good situation with an impending birth around the corner. Please pray for us to get well--and stay well! I finally put a few photos together from the last few days...
Posted by Meredith for the Davises at 9:21 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Tummy Photos and Update
I am now 35 weeks++ and have been feeling the pain of pregnancy as well as the slack of being a third-time Mom. How quickly you forget the discomforts though (especially for someone like me who has been pregnant for like the past two years!!). One ankle has started to swell a little and man, it aches! Getting out of the bed or even moving around in bed, is quite the feat (and I am sure quite funny if there were any onlookers to see it). I am sure when I tell people that I possibly have 5 weeks left (give or take a couple), they wonder how my stomach could get any bigger! I feel nauseous again at random times...My maternity clothes are starting to feel quite snug. I think of all the things that need to be done around the house and then I get winded just doing a load of laundry. There is no hospital bag packed for the event of labor. I have not pre-registered at the hospital (which I had done weeks ago by this time with Madden!). I have no baby book for this little one. I have just recently pulled out Ley's baby clothes and they are lying in a mound in my bedroom yet to be aired out (to remove moth ball scent), washed, and put away. There is no crib set up for sweet Miller. I could go on, but I won't because I am whining and I am on my almost 5 year old constantly not to do it. So, I will try to set an example and not whine either!
Anyway, I am TRYING to enjoy this last tri of my LAST pregnancy. No, really, this is it for the Davis clan; unless it is in God's plan for us to adopt someday down the road. No matter how many times you are with child, the amazing-ness of it all never gets old! I love the wonders of pregnancy! As many ultrsounds as I have had this pregnancy, I have found that statement holds true! It is like, WOW, God you are so awesome to allow this little life to grow inside of me. I see his tiny profile and arms, legs, and hands every week and just get excited to meet him. I don't think I could love motherhood more than I do--with all its conflicts and difficult times(in the here and now as well as those to come), it is so worth it. Thank you, Father, for this calling in my life.
Okay, that's not the half of what's going on in the Davis home these days. Ley is enjoying school and also enjoying the new haircut his father bestowed upon him (a sort-of fauxhawk look...cute, yet interesting). He is trying to get over a repiratory infection or something that has been growing almost since school started (imagine that)--so, lots of phlegm, mucus, coughing, and misunderstood words. Leighton is so full of questions all the time that sometimes I think my brain may seriously explode. He asks questions for things he even already knows the answer to which really drives me nutty! He is excited to meet his baby brother...
Madden is our little runner these days. She pretty much speed walks everywhere. She is into everything and learning to hold her own against her brother. Okay, maybe she can't hold her own, but she screams to let you know that Leighton is pulling, dragging, poking, or prodding her in some fashion. She screams alot these days; she is developing quite the temper. She is also so full of laughs though and has some of the quirkiest little faces and body movements that crack Jeremy and me up regularly. SHe loves to give kisses to us as well as her baby dolls, toys, and sometimes photos and magazines too. She is quite affectionate (on her own terms of course!). She still only has two teeth, but I think she may be working on some more. She pretty much only says baby, ut-oh, hey, dada, and mama, but she knows what lots of things are (i.e. body parts, names of toys, animals, etc.). We are working on being 'gentle' these days. She like to pinch you to get your attention but as soon as you give her a hurt look and say, 'Be gentle!', she rubs you semi-softly. Hope she doesn't rough up her little brother too badly...she is in for a rud awakening when he gets here I think!
Last but not least, Miller is growing like a champ. I have been having ultrasounds very often due to a bout of parvo virus (Fifth's disease) early in my pregnancy and he looks great in there. Yesterday at the perinatologist, the technician said, "Look at those fat rolls!" So, he will most probably not be a little fella--he is very active, even at this stage in pregnancy. Also, Miller is head down so that is a blessing, especially since Madden was breech up until just 2 days before she was born! I am very ready to meet him whenever he is ready!
Jeremy is working hard these days at his radio job. We are looking forward to a long Labor day weekend though...we hope to have some fun, as well as get some things done around the house. Hope you all have a relaxing and fun Labor Day! Hope to have some pics of the kids to post soon...
Posted by Meredith for the Davises at 2:13 PM 2 comments
Friday, August 10, 2007
So, we have had no computer at home for the past three weeks until yesterday. So, for once, I was not on an unannounced blogging hiatus but just without access to all things internet. Truthfully, I didn't miss it as much as I thought I would except for a few things (like all my beautiful blogging buddies and their sweet families!): not being able to look at used vehicles online when we are down to the wire for buying something for our soon-to-expand family (!!!!), ordering Miller's mini-crib online (yes, we will be the proud owners of not one crib, but TWO--but I refuse to kick sweet Maddie out of her crib in a few months!), and of course looking for deals on ebay :)
Things are really busy here and it is just TOO hot outside to get things done. Leighton finished two weeks of swim lessons last week and left on Monday with my parents to spend a week in Richmond before pre-k starts. I miss him terribly but I know he is having a good time and I have really enjoyed my time with Maddie, just the two of us (well, most of it; I didn't realize just how much Ley entertained his sister--she has been a little bored today!). We also took a weekend 'vacation' to the Georgia Aquarium and Stone Mountain in Atlanta at the end of July. Jeremy's family also came to visit us for 3 or four days the last weekend in July and we had a great time visiting with them (Ley really misses his cousins!!) Okay, that's all I have time for right now. I may be posting sporadically still because the laptop is still giving us problems and the PC is no longer internet compatible (that's the only way I know to say it:). Here's just a few pics until I can get it together and post some slide shows...Taking a break from the fish at the aquarium...
Ley and his cousins, Justin and Garrett at Tybee Beach
Leighton is the king of Stone Mt!!
Surprise...Maddie loves the aquarium too!
Posted by Meredith for the Davises at 2:48 PM 2 comments
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Here are some recent photos of Ley with his new summer haircut (thanks to his brave Daddy--I was so scared he was going to give L a hack-job, but J did GREAT; I apologize for my lack of trust, J!!). He is such a mess these days--full of energy and life (as well as sassiness and disobedience). I look at these pictures, and I cannot believe he is getting so big! Pretty soon, there will not be even an ounce of preschooler in him! He is excited for school and AWANAs to begin again soon and of course, ready to meet his little brother...
And here are the pictures of Madden's birthday (finally--sorry, I am slacking) we had after Bible study one night. She really seemed to enjoy the cake, ice cream and cold milk! She was not too interested in opening presents, but loved the balloons on her highchair. Though our extended families are far from us, we had a lot of fun celebrating her special day with our church family! There are also several random photos after all the birthday shots at the end of the slideshow...
Posted by Meredith for the Davises at 1:54 PM 5 comments
Saturday, June 23, 2007
A Little Look Back- - Madden turned ONE yesterday!!
Well, I can't believe it but a year ago on June 22, 2006, Madden Rebecca entered the world! What a sweet day it I rocked her this birthday night, I said a prayer for her future years...what I most want for her is to come to know the Lord Jesus at an early age and fall deeply in love with Him. How He has blessed me to allow me to be her mommy for this time here on earth.
Lord, help me to pass on my faith to my little ones...
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. ~III John 1:4
Here are a few recent clips of Maddie (these are for you, Mom!):
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Posted by Meredith for the Davises at 12:45 AM 3 comments
Friday, June 15, 2007
Hey Baby, What's Yo Sign (The Follow-Up)!
Many moons ago, I posted that I was working on baby sign language with Madden. Well, I must say it definitely fell by the wayside when I was feeling so bad these past several months. But, she can do three signs: 'more', 'milk', and 'eat'. She doesn't always do them at the appropriate time, but often she does and I am so proud! Her favorite is 'milk'. 'Eat' and 'more' are not as easy for her but she is learning--I caught a little video clip of her the other day asking for 'more', and it is precious...
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And here is one more of her doing a little bit of dancing/bouncing and walking--it is so difficult to get videos of her these days. I try to catch her walking and she decides to's like she knows or something...
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Posted by Meredith for the Davises at 8:58 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Maddie Rae is a Walker!
Okay, she is a wobbly walker right now, but the fun of moving around on her own two little feet has officially started! Which, by the way, is a nice break for my two feet which will soon be swollen on a regular basis...She took a couple of steps on Memorial Day (but she didn't realize it). Then, about a week later on Sunday, June 3, I was at a baby shower for a friend and I came home to a little girl taking steps! It is so funny how quickly they become 'brave'! She has been standing on her own and cruising the coffee table and furniture like a mad woman for quite awhile now but has been pretty much the avid crawler until just of late. I have attached a video, but even in the last few days since it was taken, she has started walking more and more and staying on her feet (and off her bottom!) for longer stints. Her daddy is so proud, and I am amazed that my baby is walking and her 1st birthday is around the the time flies by too quickly.
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More pics from our recent days and outings to come when I can sit down and make a slideshow. Well, we are off to the beach for the afternoon...hopefully Miss Madden will not ingest too much sand this time...
Posted by Meredith for the Davises at 12:03 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Star Sighting!
Obviously, not too much of anything happens to me except keeping behinds clean and watching Caillou and Clifford on Georgia Public Broadcasting, but my lucky and hard-working hubby was pounding the pavement today. He was diligently making the rounds on the streets of downtown Savannah for collections (end of the month fun stuff) and keeping appointments with clients. He made a quick stop at the bank and saw a woman who favored Jennifer Garner. When he exited the bank, she was still there and it really was her! He asked her for a photo and she agreed. He said he later realized the 'dude' she was with was Ben Affleck! Jeremy said Ben was quite scruffy and he didn't make the connection right away (but J also didn't know they were married and had cute little Violet either!!) that it was another Hollywood actor in his midst. Turns out they own a house here; wonder if it's the same one he bought after filming 'Forces of Nature' here with Sandra Bullock (which Sandra has a house out on Tybee Beach here as well!)...Here is the pic I received on my cell phone this afternoon:
Just thought I would share a little 'excitement' with you all. While I was in the baby pool with my little ones, trying to keep Ley from knocking an unsteady Maddie facefirst into the few inches of water, Jeremy was mingling with the stars...wonder why he didn't ask for her autograph?!? Okay, I promise more to come about the stars in our family and how we spent Memorial Day weekend as soon as I can.
Posted by Meredith for the Davises at 3:34 PM 3 comments
Friday, May 18, 2007
Nobody tagged me, but does it really matter...I think not!
Sometimes you really just need something to post...and yes, I admit to being a lurker of many blogs and really enjoyed reading everyone's quirks and facts...
No obligation, but you’ve been “tagged.” Read the info below and join in on the fun on your blog if you want:
1. Each tagged “player” starts with 8 random facts/habits about him- or herself.
2. A tagged person must write a blog entry about his or her 8 things and post these rules.
3. At the end of the blog, the tagged person must include 8 people to get tagged, and list their names.
4. Leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
Here are my random facts:
1. I am trained as a Registered Dietitian but have never practiced a day in my life…so, if you ask me for advice in this area...the answers you receive could be a little off!
2. I am allergic to penicillin.
3. Some people (mainly Jeremy and my Mom) think I am a mysophobic (yeah, yeah…look it up!) and that I am causing my 4 ½ year old to also be this way…I just think I am extremely sanitary…
4. I can roll my tongue (but, my brother, Jeff, can't...always loved that I could and he couldn't!).
5. My best friend in high school and I double-pierced one of eachother’s ears…looking back, I am unsure why we didn’t just go to Claire’s or Wal-Mart and have it done (maybe we were too young—I think you had to have parental consent for that kind of stuff)…I still have that hole in my left ear...thanks LC!
6. I once had purple (-ish) hair…
7. I am SO afraid of public speaking and actually procrastinated and didn’t take speech until my last year at Tech, BUT in junior high I entered and won a speech contest (I also joined the Debate team my Sr. year of HS…go figure).
8. I am growing a small, male child in my tummy… :) or maybe not so small; I tend to grow them quite large, actually!
I want to see 8 unexpected and usually amusing facts from Jess, Sandi, LC (do some blogging and post some pics of those sweet girls!) , Lauren (where are you, my friend?! I miss you and your written thoughts...), Bekah, Elizabeth, Jessie, Ash, and Jeff.
We found out the sex of the baby last Friday and have been trying to think of a fun way to post the news! Since we have both sexes already, finding out for a third child was a little uneventful. But, none of my children have been shy nor modest when it comes to US and a sweet baby boy is hard to miss for sure! My intuition served me right this time around, as I actually thought it was going to be a boy (although in the past I have not been so intuitive--I called Ley a 'she' in utero for the first 5 months!!) Everything looked healthy by US and both my Mom and Dad as well as Jeremy, (and Maddie was there too, but not too interested!) were able to share in the experience. This may be my third kiddo, but this is the first time my parents have been in the States when I was at this point in a pregnancy...neither of them had seen an US performed...and the tech was super sweet and showed them all kinds of neat stuff!
I am still feeling sick a good bit, but there has been a definite improvement from how I was feeling in the beginning. My next appointment will include the dreaded glucose tolerance test to check for gestational diabetes...but having the sweet tooth I do, it is really not so bad :). It does make you feel bad the rest of the day though, which is not so fun. I will also have another US to check a low placenta. I had the same with Maddie and it moved up just fine, so I am praying for the same outcome.
Posted by Meredith for the Davises at 9:46 AM 7 comments
Monday, May 07, 2007
New Month....New Post
It's hard to believe it is May already! This is Ley's last week of school and I am a little sad. I have really grown to enjoy my time in the morning until lunch with just Maddie and me. He seems to be excited about "summer break". It is already getting quite warm here...I am dreading the sweltering days of summer. It is still nice in the evenings here though. And it FINALLY rained here Saturday and yesterday, so it was very nice out yesterday and we all played outside in the backyard. We put Maddie's baby/toddler swing up that had been in the attic (we had almost forgotten about it!) so she could try it out. Ley loved the idea of his "baby sister" swinging beside him. She was not so keen on the whole idea though. She did smile a few times, but I think it will take a bit for her to get comfortable in it.
We will definitely have a little walker in the not so distant future. Maddie is becoming more and more brave when it comes to standing on her own two feet...she is such a quick little crawler and is into everything. She is also developing quite a little temper...when she wants to be held, she let's you know about it quickly! She is starting to look more and more chunky; I need to take her for a weight check--I hope she has moved up from the second percentile!!
Here is a little montage of recent Maddie pics as well as a video of her walking. Please ignore both of us being "underdressed"--I in my pajama pants, as most of my clothes are not too comfortable these days (time to go all out maternity, I suppose...) and Maddie in her slip :)
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Posted by Meredith for the Davises at 9:15 AM 3 comments