Friday, May 18, 2007

Nobody tagged me, but does it really matter...I think not!

Sometimes you really just need something to post...and yes, I admit to being a lurker of many blogs and really enjoyed reading everyone's quirks and facts...

No obligation, but you’ve been “tagged.” Read the info below and join in on the fun on your blog if you want:
1. Each tagged “player” starts with 8 random facts/habits about him- or herself.
2. A tagged person must write a blog entry about his or her 8 things and post these rules.
3. At the end of the blog, the tagged person must include 8 people to get tagged, and list their names.
4. Leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Here are my random facts:
1. I am trained as a Registered Dietitian but have never practiced a day in my life…so, if you ask me for advice in this area...the answers you receive could be a little off!

2. I am allergic to penicillin.

3. Some people (mainly Jeremy and my Mom) think I am a mysophobic (yeah, yeah…look it up!) and that I am causing my 4 ½ year old to also be this way…I just think I am extremely sanitary…

4. I can roll my tongue (but, my brother, Jeff, can't...always loved that I could and he couldn't!).

5. My best friend in high school and I double-pierced one of eachother’s ears…looking back, I am unsure why we didn’t just go to Claire’s or Wal-Mart and have it done (maybe we were too young—I think you had to have parental consent for that kind of stuff)…I still have that hole in my left ear...thanks LC!

6. I once had purple (-ish) hair…

7. I am SO afraid of public speaking and actually procrastinated and didn’t take speech until my last year at Tech, BUT in junior high I entered and won a speech contest (I also joined the Debate team my Sr. year of HS…go figure).

8. I am growing a small, male child in my tummy… :) or maybe not so small; I tend to grow them quite large, actually!

I want to see 8 unexpected and usually amusing facts from Jess, Sandi, LC (do some blogging and post some pics of those sweet girls!) , Lauren (where are you, my friend?! I miss you and your written thoughts...), Bekah, Elizabeth, Jessie, Ash, and Jeff.


We found out the sex of the baby last Friday and have been trying to think of a fun way to post the news! Since we have both sexes already, finding out for a third child was a little uneventful. But, none of my children have been shy nor modest when it comes to US and a sweet baby boy is hard to miss for sure! My intuition served me right this time around, as I actually thought it was going to be a boy (although in the past I have not been so intuitive--I called Ley a 'she' in utero for the first 5 months!!) Everything looked healthy by US and both my Mom and Dad as well as Jeremy, (and Maddie was there too, but not too interested!) were able to share in the experience. This may be my third kiddo, but this is the first time my parents have been in the States when I was at this point in a pregnancy...neither of them had seen an US performed...and the tech was super sweet and showed them all kinds of neat stuff!

I am still feeling sick a good bit, but there has been a definite improvement from how I was feeling in the beginning. My next appointment will include the dreaded glucose tolerance test to check for gestational diabetes...but having the sweet tooth I do, it is really not so bad :). It does make you feel bad the rest of the day though, which is not so fun. I will also have another US to check a low placenta. I had the same with Maddie and it moved up just fine, so I am praying for the same outcome.


Jessica said...

Congrats on the Baby Boy! Another male! :) I so hoped you would be feeling better. Is Leighton excited to have a baby brother? Jackson asks for one all the time. So glad your folks were there with you, I know what a special bond you have with them. I will do the Eight Questions but don't know if I have eight things that interesting that people don't already know.

Allen and Sandi Smith said...

Yeah, another little boy! Allen may need to borrow one of your boys if he gets tired of all the hormones in our house :-) Hope you get to feeling better soon! Tell your parents hello for me. Love, ~Sandi

Elizabeth said...

I am very impressed with your facts. I had Chris trying to help me the other night but we only came up with 3 or 4. So I am going to have to think of some more.

Yea! another boy. I am sure Maddie will enjoy being her daddy's only little girl-at least for now. Clara has definitely done something to her daddy's heart.

The Cascio Whirlwind said...

I haven't talked to you in eons! I want a phone number so I can catch up, let you know what is going on in my life and actually have a decent conversation with another female adult friend! How is Mr. Baby Davis growing?? I bet the third time around is different. #2 was diff. for me, so I can imagine 3. I am glad to hear all is well and I am praying for you to have a safe pregnancy. Yes, I still have my third ear hole too! What were we thinking? Ice cubes and needles??? Sounds so archaic! No longer at St. Francis, call and I'll give you the scoop on my life.
Love you and miss you

Anonymous said...

Hey Meredith,
I am SO excited for ya'll and the new addition to your family! That is so great & such a blessing. Also, I'm so glad that you posted your "tag". I loved reading your 8 random facts. #8 was the best! Love, Susan B.

Lin said...

hi meredith,
i was at tech w/ you, but i don't think we ever met. we have many of the same friends...lauren, bekah, liz, susan. my husband, michael [i'm not allowed to post our last name, but he's a tall red-head :)] also went to tech & says he knew you.

anyway, i've been a lurker since lauren linked you. just wanted to say hi & congrats on baby #3.

Lauren said...

Congrats, Mer! Another boy! How exciting!

Thanks for posting your fun facts...I'll get to mine soon!