Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Shake Your Moneymaker!

Watch out, JT, Leighton is bringing 'funky' back...my son has mad skills, I tell you...We can't get Ley to tell us much about his daily routine at preschool, but we are wondering if he is nearly as entertaining for his teacher and classmates at the First Baptist Church, as he is at home! I wonder who he gets his dancing abilities from?

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Jessica said...

You should show this at his wedding! No pants today? :) When my mom came over last week, Jackson was just getting out of the shower. He wouldn't come out in front of her and sprinted to his bedroom (even with a towel on). Funny when they start to realize that kind of stuff.

Jackson is vague about preschool too. I asked his teachers and they said a lot of the kids are that way. No worries

Meredith for the Davises said...

Yeah--he is a mess. He is just a ball of energy. I have trouble imagining the day of Ley being modest. I know it will come though, thankfully! Nakedness is still quite big fun these him these days.

That makes me feel better about Jackson's preschool ambiguity. Glad Leighton isn't the only one...just wish he would tell me something, anything!

Shandra said...

that video was too cute! at least he has rhythm!

sally said...

That actually resembles my dancing a bit. As long as it's choreographed, I'm good, but no freestyle for me!

Love your blog and catching up on the kiddos. Tell Jeremy hello.

Jessica said...

He's not a mess! We love his style!

Lauren said...

LOL funny.

Hey, I checked out Jeremy's band's website...says they're coming to Monroe in March. Hmmmm.... Is the whole fam coming in by chance? Don't you need a little road trip? See where I'm going with this?

Lauren said...

Like, maybe I could see you if you came to Louisiana! :)

Meredith for the Davises said...

I catch your drift, old friend :) And, yes, we are making a road trip as a family when J has those shows in LA. We are headed that way on the 9th of March and will get there on the 10th and we leave on the Sunday the 18th. We are always trying to cram in seeing as many folks as humanly possible! I will actually be in LR, AR for a few of those days to see my Meredith and her new baby girl, Madeline. If you want to try to set something up I would love it! I will be in Ruston a little as well...

Lauren said...

Hey! I know how crazy it will be for y'all when you come in so I don't want to add ANY more pressure. But, we go to Ruston all the time, so maybe just maybe we can work something out. It would be fun. Email me when you get a chance, okay?
