Friday, March 09, 2007

Surprise... I'm back, then gone again...

Okay, well, it's been awhile....I know this. I am not your normal blogger though. I reserve the right to drop from the blogosphere whenever needed. And, well, it couldn't be helped. Life is a little nuts right now at the Davis house, but I wanted to at least write something before we leave to 'vacation' in North LA for a week. I definitely won't be posting pics or any wonderful words of wisdom while I am there. Our time there will be busy to say the least, but hopefully enjoyable. I tend to not write much when I don't have photos to post with it and well, I haven't taken many pics of the kids lately (yes, I have been slacking in many ways; you would know this if you saw my house and my half-packed bags!). I do have this lovely little montage of older photos along with a few new ones...hope you enjoy and will hopefully have lots of fun and interesting news when we return from the distant land of the Twin Cities...


Jessica said...

You sneaky girl you! I caught that, did anyone else? We couldn't be more thrilled for you! Have a great vacation and come back with lots of news! Good luck!

Shandra said...

aww! congratulations!! i had to play the pics twice to make sure i read it right!!! how exciting!

Elizabeth said...

Wow, Congratulations!!!!! I thought "Fall 2007- oh my, that is next fall- she is pregnant!" I had to stop the slideshow also to make sure I read it right. Another beautiful Davis baby!!!!!

Allen and Sandi Smith said...

Congratulations! It took me a while to catch on, I thought it was a sonogram pic of Madden and was thinking, why did she put that in her slide show? Then I saw the Fall 2007! Can you believe in 2007 we will both have three little ones under the age of 5!Take care and get some rest! ~Sandi

Lauren said...

Yipeeeeeeee! Congrats...and a great big "hi" to Sandi!

Mandy said...

I had to watch it a 2nd time too just to make sure I read it right. :) Congratulations, Meredith!!! I hope you've enjoyed North LA. I visited there recently too. It's kinda weird going back, isn't it?

Meredith for the Davises said...

Thanks everyone! Glad you were all sufficiently surprised...who wouldn't be surprised though (us having a 9 month old and all!?!). And Sandi, NO, I cannot yet believe the whole 3 kids under three truth right now! :) I am just trying to work it out with two! I will get there day at a time. Yes, Mandy, North LA will always be 'home', but it is a bit of a strange feeling since it isn't anymore (don't miss the place, but SO miss the friends and family!!)

ps--Jess I knew you would have to catch on because...well, you already knew!