Through the first trimester! But, no relief yet from the miserable nauseous feeling. I am so ready to feel good again. I can't wait for someone to ask me how I am doing and get to answer, "Better!". I can't wait for food to really taste good again and to actually be able to enjoy a beverage other than water. Food has become my enemy these days. I despise the pantry and refrigerator, and more than anything, the grocery store....trying to decide what to buy to eat when absolutely nothing sounds appetizing...ugh. My doc gave me scripts for the anti-nausea meds and I am actually thinking of trying the phenergan (I tried Zofran while pregnant with Maddie, but no help there). I return to the OB in three weeks (they wanted to see me a little earlier than a month due to a few dropped lbs, to make sure I am not continuing to lose; exact same scenario as my pregnancy with Madden), and hopefully we will schedule the big gender US for sometime in May. Can't wait to find out...Ley says he wants another baby sister, but I think he would be thrilled with a baby brother!
On a less sickly note, Leighton has his first school Easter party on Wednesday mornin g. I will try and snap some pics, but it may prove difficult since I will have Maddie with me. Maddie has her 9 month well check tomorrow morning. I hope everything goes smoothly. No shots this visit! Gotta love that...Madden has almost weaned completely and the process has proven to be less traumatic (for me) than I thought. She loves to take a bottle (completely opposite of her brother who never took a bottle and went straight to a sippy cup!) and absolutely loves to eat, period! My body is just no longer making enough milk to nourish her little body. But, I wanted to nurse her until 10 months (40 weeks), and I was able to meet my goal. I am finally getting the hang of formula now too. At first, I felt like a fish out of water...I hadn't prepared a bottle since my babysitting days! Now, we have the hang of it and as you can see in the photos below, Maddie likes to hold her own bottle and does a pretty ferocious job of 'gumming' her food (yep, not a single tooth yet!)!
Madden also LOVES to laugh...but, don't joke with her about her food!
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Take the drugs... :) I lost 10 lbs with Jackson and 8 lbs with Sasha at the beginning. But then PACKED the weight on! :) I hope you feel better soon! No computer yet, at my folks house tonight. Maybe you'll feel better before Easter? I hope so. Give the kids a big hug and take another nap!
I hope the phenergan works for you, it knocked me out, which would have been great if it weren't for those other 2 little ones to take care of and all. Still praying for you
hey there!! Thanks for the card-- it's so fun to catch up on the Davis family! So many mommy questions for you-- shoot me an e-mail with your current info and I can get to you. Love, Kel
Hey! Are ya felling any better? I sure hope so! i'm sure it's hard taking care of two little ones while feeling like crud! I hope you had a good Easter.
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