Sunday, January 27, 2008

Miller Diller...

That is Jeremy's newest nickname for baby brother. Just needed to let everyone know Miller is doing better. We had kind of a 'setback' and had to go back to the doctor before his 4 month checkup due to stagnant weight. I knew he wasn't gaining and became worried. That's when Dr. H kicked things up a notch for Miller. We have been testing urine (I am a seasoned pro at catching pee in a bag!) and blood, looking at kidneys and abdomen via ultrasound, visiting the pediatric gastroenterologist. Lots of 'fun' stuff to begin ruling out all possibilities...also visited a new lactation consultant who I love, love, LOVE and who is the utmost of encouraging with my need and desire to continue breastfeeding as it is truly what is best for him (even though he does consume a nice concoction of breastmilk and formula!!). Dr. H put him on Zantac but the GI doc changed it to Prevacid--he definitely seems to have some reflux-ey symptoms, but it is the silent type (he's not excessively spitty) and from what I hear, reflux is quite overdiagnosed--but we will see how it goes. He is already gaining! He was only 10 lb, 11 oz at the office on the 16th of the month on the 23rd he was up to 11 lb, 4 oz (2 %ile)!

So, God is in control and working things out for his little body! So, we are still supplementing with the SNS, but we switched to a new device that I call the 'mack daddy' nurser--it holds more and it has bigger tubing so he gets more milk a little more quickly. I am also supplementing at all feedings instead of just the afternoon/evening ones. Miller is changing so much! We love all his jibberish and he is all about reaching for whatever you have close to him! His smile just melts my heart...

Everyone else is doing well except for Miss Maddie who may have a case of pink eye. Ugh. She woke up with the reddish eye on Saturday morn. I kept her home from church today and now the other eye is pinkish too. It does not seem to slow her down or even bother her really. No rubbing or itching her eyes anyway...please pray that if it is conjunctivitis, that we can keep it at bay--that stuff spreads like the plague!

Here are a few pics of our serious little fella--


Lauren said...

Okay, Meredith, you definitely won the challenge. He is the cutest thing I've ever seen. (!!!)

Glad things are looking up for lil' Mill.

Jessica said...

He is so very cute! I wish I could give him a big smooch! So sorry that you've be going through all of this--you are in my prayers along with poor little Maddie! Did you take her to the doc? Pink eye is super contagious (especially I think with a toddler). I got it at Pine Cove and remember driving myself to the doctor in Tyler with ooze filling up my eye). YUCK!

Referring to your prior comment on my page--I so wish we lived closer too! I don't think this season of my life is supposed to be "easy" and I guess I just need to try to cope a little better. I love you and wish I could be there in more of a real way for you instead of just a blogging buddy. Hopefully we can come visit soon, but until then I will pray for you and enjoy your blog.

rachel hood said...

just wanted you to know i am praying, too, for little miller and maddie and ley. miller is beautiful-thanks for "troubling" us with the privilege of lifting you up to our gracious Father

Lauren said...

love that natalie merchant voice!!!

Meredith for the Davises said...

I covet your prayers, you ya'll!

Alisa Sprayberry said...

Hi Meredith! My computer crashed last year and I lost your email address. I was doing some cleaning this a.m. and found your blog site. I was so excited to catch up and see how your family is doing! To my suprise you had a baby!!! Wow...a lot can happen in a year. Miller is so adorable...I hope we can catch up sometime soon and I will definately be praying for you and all your kiddos!

Meredith for the Davises said...

ALISA! SO good to hear from you! Yes, a lot has changed in the past year...this time last year I was in headspin with a surprise pregnancy and lots of morning sickness! Crazy, huh?? And as you can read on the blog, things are still hectic around here, but God is good ALL the time--even in this difficult season...missed hearing from you! How are things with you and Stacy?

The Cascio Whirlwind said...

I'm glad our little guy is doing well. Take care of mom, too. Love you,LC