Wednesday, June 25, 2008

don't ask!?- - volume 1


Amish bubble beard

peep eye!

miller aka catfish davis

ley's lunch creation...interesting

boys will be boys. ugh.


The Cascio Whirlwind said...

Okay, this post is hilarious!!!!!!! I am laughing my tail off right now. What was with the food on the plate? Are we trying to simulate body parts or what?? And loving the picture of the hiney with the air bubbles...and TOOT! hahahahahha, that boy is hilarious. Miller does the army crawl, just like Leighton used to!! How funny is that? Maddie in the purse....em, I know those days all too well my dear friend. Somehow in the midst of the chaos, keep your sanity. They look like they make you laugh a lot. Like Maddie's mask in the video of Miller crawling around.

Meredith for the Davises said...

yeah--ley's midday creation--it was supposed to be an elephant and he just had to have me take a pic of it...pretty funny! he was quite proud of it...and the 'toot' artwork has a story too...he was trying to write 'tooth' but when he realized it said toot he added the illustration. Mad was at my friend's house when she ripped into the purse--which is a step up from ripping into her DIAPER for sure!!