Where do I even start?? These past few weeks have been a whirlwind. Chock full of changes here at the Davis household. First and foremost...Jeremy started a new job. Woo-hoo! Yippee! We are very excited about this new endeavor... more details to come. But, change is D.I.F.F.I.C.U.L.T. Especially for me. I like to pretend it's not really a big deal, a lot of the time, but who am I really fooling?? Big changes or little changes...whether they are chosen or unannounced changes, they still throw a wrench into the finely oiled household machine...er...the functioning household machine, I should say. Like, now Jer is getting off work at 5:30 instead of 5:00 PM (much to my disdain). Or an even bigger curve ball was when my dear, sweet husband called and asked me what I thought about him going to Lubbock, TX for a week of intense training after just one day on the job. Wow! This was a very good opportunity for him and a very LONG week of single parenting for me (**but we made it through mostly unscathed!!**).Running a close second when it comes to modification of life as I know it: My firstborn started kindergarten! Holy moly, how in the world did we get here!? One day I have a preschooler, and then I turn around and I have a bus riding (ack!!!), lunch toting, uniform wearing, sight word learning KINDERGARTENER! He seems to be loving it for the most part. His teacher, Miss Carrie, and his paraprofessional, Mrs. Elaine, are just wonderful--we couldn't have asked for more fun, caring, passionate teachers...God is so good and I know he answered my prayers for placing Ley in the classroom that would best suit his needs. I cried more than I thought I would those first several days of school. The first day of school, I dropped him off at his classroom and then cried on the way home..I was glad for it to be over and the tears to have come and gone...only to unexpectedly cry AGAIN when I picked him up!
Madden is getting so big, too. I plan on starting some hardcore potty training in the next months and we will see how that pans out. She is very opinionated these days about most everything. She loves to 'read' books and dance to any music she hears. And every now and then, she even sits still and watches a little 'Nemo' (she calls anything that comes on the television, 'Nemo'!). But, that doesn't last long and soon she is off carrying her naked baby dolls here and there, pulling out and trying on every shoe she can possibly find in her closet and mine (she calls her shoes, 'go's--how cute is that!), getting 'bobos' kissed and attempting to brush her teeth multiple times a day...she is a mess both figuratively and literally...and she keeps me running constantly! Her favorite word is 'no' (I know, who would of thunk it...being two and all). I can only hope that one day Maddie will surely learn the true use for kitchen spatulas...
MillerMac is moving and grooving these days, too. He is nowhere near walking but he gets where he needs to go with his little army crawl and is now cruising the furniture. He, of course, loves to eat whatever ground gourmet morsels (and unedible items as well) he can find, usually courtesy of his big sister. His favorite thing is...well, me, and that is just the truth of the matter--his lovie and the pacifier are high in the ranking too. Jeremy's guitar playing is also well loved by Miller, and taking baths with his siblings is starting to grow on him a little (well, until Madden knocks him over and he gets a big gulp of water to the lungs!). He loves to eat and doesn't turn much of anything away--well, except baby food--he is all about the table food these days and chows it down with his two little teeth! He definitely has not surpassed his big brother and sister in the sleeping arena--we still have bouts of crying every so often, bless his heart (and ours--especially Ley who shares his sleeping quarters!!).
Friday, August 22, 2008
Happy Friday!
Posted by Meredith for the Davises at 8:28 PM
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I'm so glad to see an update...I have to make myself do the same here soonish! They are so beautiful. Doesn't time fly. Marybeth has her own opinions too and I fear one day she will have the ADHD diagnosis upon her. Lots of prayers will get me thru. Love you lots and miss you tons. We are heading to Gulf Shores this weekend for our annual Labor Trip. Can't wait to "experience" the beach with my two girls...it will be like new for MB since she was only a tot when we got to go last time...she slept on the beach mostly that trip.
Ley going to school is such a big step. I can't believe he is growing up! Actually, all three of them are growing up and looking soooooo cute! Just wait until they are old enough to drive. Yes, we are there and yes, it is hard to see them going out the driveway to school. It isn't "cool" anymore to take them to school and pick them up. Cherish those days! We really miss you guys and can't wait to see you. Hugs and kisses....I guess Ley is no longer a turtle :-( Love you!
Thanks for updating with such adorable pics! Your kids are so beautiful Meredith... Leighton is such the little man! What a handsome boy!! I wish we could see them in person, so thankful for our blogs, myspace & facebook! :) We are all so "connected" these days! :)
Would love to hear more about Jeremy's new job when you get a chance...
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