Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Third Child Secretly Yearns to be Only Child!

MillerMac really comes out of his shell at night...when his older siblings are tucked into bed, my serious 'old-soul' of a child becomes giddy and full of excitement! His usual straight face melts into crooked, toothy grins; 'catch me if you can' crawling episodes and just goofiness in general. It is fun to be with my Miller anytime of the day, but especially at night when the Davis household is his own private kingdom...
...with no big brother or sister to steal his thunder... or toy...or cheerios, for that matter :)

life is good

my only child wannabe

Monday, September 22, 2008

farewell to summer

So long sweet Summer....see you next year!

Fall, we are waiting for you here in Georgia...we need some jacket weather!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Monkeying Around on MillerMac's 1st Birthday!

It is just not conceivable that my baby is one years old...but he is! Our sweet boy had a little party yesterday with family (we are so glad Anne was here for the party and a much needed visit!!) and close friends...it was perfect! I wish everyone could have been here though to help us celebrate this precious one's first year of life...I cannot even begin to describe how happy and blessed I am to have him in my life and be his mommy. More photos to come!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

delurking is delightful...

delurk: v. participate actively in an on-line newsgroup on the Internet (after passively participating for a period of time)

i have set a new goal for myself. i am a lurker no more. i realize that most of the blogs i frequent know that i am there--keeping up with them, laughing at their children's crazy antics, reaping parenting advice from their experiences, stealing recipes, enjoying every single photo...but, not everyone knows and i want them to know how much i truly enjoy experiencing life via the blogosphere.

i am the queen of serial blog surfing...by the time i am done, i have no idea where or whose blog i started on and certainly have lost the connection 7 sites back :). okay, so i am not promising to comment on every single blog that I peruse everday of my life, but i will make a concerted effort to leave comments more than once in a blue moon! i think i can make this happen (although, I am curently thinking about never posting this and continuing my lurky ways...no, NO! I will prevail!)

someday i might even have the title of 'regular commenter'--you just never know...man, i am thinking too far ahead and possibly setting myself up for failure. baby steps, my friends. maybe i should start with 'delurking thursdays' or something of that sort. alright then, just be looking for a comment coming your way in the not so distant future... love all my blog peeps and i want you to know it...

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sunday Afternoon Photo Session...

Goes awry...Jeremy gave it his best (if reclining on Ley's bed while shooting is categorized as his 'best'..okay, maybe he just gave it a good go :)...we need a professional. Or possibly a big role of duck tape!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Best First Date Ever...

McDonalds gourmet fare: $5.86
Tickets for Journey to the Center of the Earth: $15.75
2 pairs of really tacky 3D glasses: $5.00
Overpriced small Coke and bag of Reeses Pieces to share: $7.50
Holding hands, sitting close,laughing and talking, just the two of us: Priceless...

We are making this a tradition in our house for sure! I have been telling Jeremy lately that I want to take Ley out for some one on one time with his Mama periodically. I know he needs time with his Daddy, but that happens without as much effort on a more regualar basis. I will be planning time out for us at least every couple of months...and then, when the little ones are a bit older we will have a date once a month! Then, I will have to figure out a way to do it with all my offspring!! How important that special time is together just the two of us...I loved every minute of it! I told him that he and I used to do almost everything together just the two of us before his siblings came along...and I miss that! I definitely want to get this type of mommy/son date in our routine before he starts to think that I am not so cool...although we all know I will always be cool...

Now, if only we could find a super-great trustworthy babysitter to take on our three kids so Jeremy and I could take off for some date time once a month...

Friday, September 12, 2008

Happy Birthday, Jansen (a day late!!)...

I hope your birthday was wonderful...how could it not be when you received such a precious gift this year just several days ago! I know you are so tired, hormonal, and overwhelmed ( and that doesn't even begin to describe the roller coaster ride we call postpartum and new parenthood!)...but try to enjoy and soak up every second with that beautiful, little baby girl. I can't believe that I don't get to meet her and don't know when I will! Heartbreaking for me, Jance!! Tell Chris to give you XOXO from me and the fam...and you give sweet Emma some XOXO from her Aunt Mer! Happy Birthday Jansen (yesterday, anyway!!)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Three Fantastic Fellas and A Lovely Lady

Aren't they beautiful?? Look at all those baby blues! I am so blessed beyond measure...

The Savannah Zoo...Sortof, Kindof

Last weekend, we ventured out toward the beach to visit Savannah's version of a zoo--it's called Oatland Island Educational Center. We have passed its entrance on numerous occasions on our way to have some fun in the sun on Tybee, yet we have never visited this wildlife area. It was a gloriously beautiful and sunny day--so hard to believe there was a tropical storm battering our coast just a little bit north. We met the Johnson family out there and after 'organizing' all our strollers, snacks, backpacks, diaper bags, insect spray, maps, and oh yes...children, we made our way into the deep woods to see what interesting animals we could spy. We saw alligators, wolves, a panther, and a bison! In the barnyard area we saw geese, turkeys, cows, donkeys, goats and bunnies. We looked for the black bear and a few other animals, but they were holed up somewhere sleeping--it was SO hot! I have been meaning to post these pics all week but there were so many shots that I just now sat down and weeded through them to find some good ones...enjoy!

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Happy Birthday, H!!

Another birthday shout out to my bestest ghetto friend from the SAV...happy birthday from your bestest caucasian friend! Love you...peace out, homegirl--I'm glad you are in my 'posse' and you know I always got your back (I will run anyone down with my double stroller, yo)!
