Tuesday, September 16, 2008

delurking is delightful...

delurk: v. participate actively in an on-line newsgroup on the Internet (after passively participating for a period of time)

i have set a new goal for myself. i am a lurker no more. i realize that most of the blogs i frequent know that i am there--keeping up with them, laughing at their children's crazy antics, reaping parenting advice from their experiences, stealing recipes, enjoying every single photo...but, not everyone knows and i want them to know how much i truly enjoy experiencing life via the blogosphere.

i am the queen of serial blog surfing...by the time i am done, i have no idea where or whose blog i started on and certainly have lost the connection 7 sites back :). okay, so i am not promising to comment on every single blog that I peruse everday of my life, but i will make a concerted effort to leave comments more than once in a blue moon! i think i can make this happen (although, I am curently thinking about never posting this and continuing my lurky ways...no, NO! I will prevail!)

someday i might even have the title of 'regular commenter'--you just never know...man, i am thinking too far ahead and possibly setting myself up for failure. baby steps, my friends. maybe i should start with 'delurking thursdays' or something of that sort. alright then, just be looking for a comment coming your way in the not so distant future... love all my blog peeps and i want you to know it...


Jessica said...

LOL!! I'm a lurker too, I have to remind myself to comment. i HAVE been enjoying your sweet words/picture showing up in my comment box. Tell your mom HI and I am enjoying your posts so much!

Jeff said...


you must have been reading my mind! :) i love reading your comments...everything you said in your post is SO TRUE!!!!
can't wait to talk to you...give the fam my love!

love you, love you, love you...

The Davidson Den said...

Ha ha!! I found my way to your site through Mere, and since I've hung with you a time or two I felt totally justified in checking it out (not that that has ever stopped me from reading tons of blogs belonging to perfect strangers...ha!). I've been catching up on your life, all the while keeping my "mouth" shut, and then I happen upon this particular post! I had to laugh out loud because I was totally LURKING on you!! No more, my friend!! :)