Wednesday, December 31, 2008

{goodbye 2008}

in 2008, i...

~celebrated my thirty-second birthday...
~nursed my very last baby (much of the time with help from a supplementer) and enjoyed every beautiful and trying moment of it...
~watched my eldest 'graduate' from preschool...
~cried as i left the above-mentioned's kindergarten class as he began his formal education!
~cut my hair off quite short (well, quite short by meredith standards!)
~praised God for my favorite daddy's normal heart catheterization results!
~honored the life of my dear papaw hogg who went to be with Jesus...
~traveled on an airplane with a 7 month old...
~rearranged my living room (thanks, mere!)
~painted my bedroom
~endured the loss of a wonderful little church we had called home since moving to the coast...
~changed 4,382 stinky little diapers (give or take)...
~breathed a sigh of relief when the sweet, middle girl-child finally started uttering actual, understandable words!
~thanked the heavens above when i was finally able to get a five year old and 6 month old to sleep in the same room (without one waking the other!)...
~experienced the actual necessity of ducktaping a diaper to a toddler's body; yes, you heard me correctly!
~received my first sewing machine, which i have yet to put to good use...
~realized taking three kids grocery shopping (or anywhere by myself, for that matter!) is not something i want to do on a regular basis...
~started actually thinking about the possibility of home-schooling my children...hmmm...
~comprehended just how extraordinarily blessed i am in SO very many ways, everyday of my ordinary life...God is so good...

love you all--those i see everyday, those i miss know who you are! wishing you a very blessed 2009...


Jessica said...

The music and your post had me tearing up...what a sweet friend you are Meredith...miss you lots!

David "Dutch" Boersma said...

of all the accomplishments and high points...No Jer?

Kim said...

And you stayed so beautiful and sane, well, beautiful anyway! Luv you guys! I can't believe our little man will be 4 years old (going on 13) in Feb!