Friday, December 12, 2008


I can hardly fathom the reality that my baby is six years old today. Surely not?? How amazing it is to still be able to relive those moments in my mind so vividly when Leighton Miles Davis came into this world--all 9 pounds and 10 ounces of him--and made me what I hoped I would always be...a mama...his mama! In this world, I do not always know what God has planned for me around the corner...down the road...but, I do always rest in the knowledge that He has given me this be the best mother I can be to my sweet six-year old, Leighton (and M & M, too of course!) and give him unconditional love, spiritual knowledge and guidance, consistent discipline, and keep him covered with prayer daily--asking our gracious Father above to draw Leighton close to Him and reveal Himself to my little vivacious, energetic, sensitive six year-old. Please, Jesus, write Your name upon his heart...and use me in whatever capacity to turn his heart toward You, Lord! This is my sixth birthday prayer/wish for my sweet baby boy, Leighton...

how do they go from this....

newborn leighton snuggled in his cradle

to this!?!?
six year-old leighton at his birthday party

Just as the title says....impossible....I love you, Ley!


rachel hood said...

happy birthday leighton-from the hoods

David "Dutch" Boersma said...

Happy B-Day from the Boersmas

Jessica said...

i can't believe he's six either! He sure is handsome! Tell him happy birthday from oregon!!

tuckerfam said...

Sweet Leighton!!! Wow! I remember looking in the nursery window at the hospital and wondering how in the world little Mer could have such a BIG BABY!!! He is such a beautiful child! You are blessed. We miss you guys! Hope you have a great holiday season....send the Price fam on over to jackson when you are done with them!!!! lol!!
Happy Birthday Leighton Miles!! A. Mamie loves you!!!

love you mer!


Elizabeth said...

That is so sweet and inspiring, Meredith!

The Davidson Den said...

It IS crazy how fast it goes. He really looks like a handsome little man now. The last time I saw him he was just a wee little guy. I'll never forget the time you guys came to my house and Noah (tiny himself at the time and having his first playdate at his own house) didn't want to share his toys. :) Anyway, just so you know, your family is beautiful! Look at me! Comment #2! haha