Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Happy Valentine's...Early

I love this commercial--it brings tears to my eyes everytime I see it...I am such a cheeseball, I know...just thought I would share...


Jessica said...

That's so sweet! Are you sure your not pregnant again? :) Just kidding, I teared up and NOT NOT pregnant here. How are the kids? What's Madden's new thing? We are good, busy. Helping out at the florist shop tomorrow (Yes, on V-day--what am I thinking??). Oh, and it is D's b-day today!

Lauren said...

Awwwwwwwwwwww. Okay, I haven't seen that cause we don't have Publix here but how sweet is that. I teared up, too, and def. not preggers. I know it must get to you having little Ley. Oh, so sweet.