Friday, February 16, 2007

Pajamas and Cookies for My Sweet Valentine...

Here are some pics of Ley opening his Valentine card and gift from my parents...they are not so good since in the majority of them he was stripping down in the middle of the kitchen floor, removing his current pajamas to be replaced by his new Valentine dinosaur pajamas (that he wore the rest of the day, actually). But, it seems these days that if you didn't see Ley only half-dressed, it just wouldn't be my sweet Leighton. His lovely and much-loved Anne also made him some delicious heart-shaped rice krispy treats that she personalized just for him and sent all the way from Richmond! He had a great V day although he had to miss school (and therefore, the big Valentine exchange/party at preschool) due to some tummy issues the past week (which are, thankfully, subsiding today!).

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Jessica said...

Isn't it such a gift for us to see our little ones so happy?! Leighton looked thrilled!

Anonymous said...

Hey Meredith,
I saw your blog on Lauren's and I've been meaning to leave a comment on your blog, but I just haven't....anyway, your kids are absolutely precious!! The way you describe Leighton reminds me a lot of my oldest boy, Caleb, especially the part about being in non-stop motion and lovin' to be in his undies and t-shirt. Well, y'all look like you're doing great and it was so good to see your sweet face. Tell Jeremy hey and I will be sure to visit your blog often to keep up with the adventures of Ley and Maddie!

Anonymous said...

Oh, BTW, it's Rebekah Alexander Aillet

Meredith for the Davises said...

Hey Bekah!
I was so excited to see a note from you because I also have been keeping an eye on your sweet babies after seeing your link on Lauren's page. Your family is beautiful! I loved seeing the group photo of all you gals on Laur's page (from ya'lls fun girls weekend). It really brings back memories to see all ya'lls sweet faces! Liz is the only one of ya'll I have seen in is so refreshing reconnecting and seeing where everyone is in life these days...please do check up on us and we will do the same with the Aillets!