Monday, October 16, 2006

Fun at the Park

Late, yesterday afternoon the Davis family headed just down the road from our house to a little park and had some fun before dinner...Leighton loves this little park because of the purple, bouncy dinosaur and the rocket ship. It was really nice and cool yesterday evening and we had a good time playing before if got too dark...

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Let the Bouncing Begin!

Leighton absolutely loved this doorway bouncer (and actually, could be the amount of time that he spent in it that causes him to literally jump while he is having a conversation with you to this day), and now it's Madden's turn...I hope she likes it as much as he did!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Roll With It, Baby...

Maddie has been rolling from tummy to back for awhile now, but just in the past 2 weeks started rolling from back to tummy. Before I know it she will be sitting up, then scooting, then's going too quickly! I love watching her grow, though...We sure are cleaning up alot of spitup again due to the fact that she is now able to roll over on her own!

Leighton is really interested in her growing as well. He is ready for a playmate and not just a 'baby sister'. This morning I hear, "Look, Mom! I picked her up!" My heart dropped into my stomach, and I turned to see him with her in his lap. He had pulled her up from her tummy, backwards into his lap. I am so glad he loves her so much, but I hope she survives his 'attention'...I just keep reminding him today that he can hold her anytime, just to let me know first so I can help...

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Monday, October 09, 2006

One more thing....

Congratulations on the new job, Uncle Jeff!!! We are very excited for you guys. I still can't believe you are moving to Louisiana now that I live 12 hours away....but, it matters not because God is good!!

I LOVE being a Mom...but could I have FOUR!!?!

My closest friend here in our little town, Ashley, has just begun massage therapy school ( I know, how lucky am I!?!) and this morning our friend Jessie, who usually keeps her kiddos for a couple of hours on Monday morning (until Ash's hubby, Scott, gets off work at 10 AM), is on vacation at the beach (okay, so she is a little luckier than me at the moment...). So, Ash asked me to watch the kids this morn. This is the first time since Madden was born that I have watched her kids and I was a little nervous too be in charge of an almost 4 month old, a 20 month old (Jackson), a 3 1/2 year old (Savannah), and my almost 4 year old. But, I really didn't have much time to be anxious once they got here.

It actually went very well. Maddie actually slept until 8:45 AM, so we had a whole hour of just the 'big' kids. We ate breakfast pretty quickly, and we played and destroyed Leighton's room after that. Everyone obeyed the room rules for the most part:
#1--stay out of the closet
#2--keep off the bed (this policy helps avoid the temptation to jump and possibly cause a trip to experience the joys of emergency medicine)
We then made a pallet in front of the TV and turned on 'Charlotte's Web' and snacked on animal crackers and milk...Savannah was the only one who truly watched the movie; Jackson and Leighton continued playing.

Even nursing Madden was not a big deal. Jackson is the only one who paid much attention to that...The only thing we had to watch closely was the swing...Jacks kept wanting to get up close to love on her and stopped the swing in doing so, while Ley and Savannah were wanting to push the swing themselves with a little too much force. It's a good thing that Maddie is used to life with Leighton on a daily basis; sometimes I think he messes with her as much as 3 or 4 brothers and sisters would! That which does not kill us (or send us to the ER...), makes us stronger...

Before we knew it, Scott had arrived to pick up his half of the kids. It was a fun morning and I will gladly take care of the Carpenter children again whenever I am needed (although I may need a little Swedish massage when I am done!!), but I am certainly happy with my two offspring for the time being...

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Can You Do This??

My daughter is only 15 1/2 weeks, but already she is able to perform amazing tricks! She is normally quite fond of just the right thumb, but sometimes when she finds her hand to be up close to her mouth she just decides to suck her entire fist! I couldn't get to the camera quite fast enough and by the time I took the above photo she had already pulled part of her fist out of her mouth. I kid you not though, she can get her entire tiny mitt inside her gummy, little mouth. Wow...she definitely doesn't go by the motto of "less is more", that's for sure.

I am very new to the whole idea of thumb (or in some cases, fist) sucking since Leighton could not get enough of the pacifier. Madden makes a face like you are feeding her peas for the first time when you try to stick a paci in her mouth. Madden likes her thumb SO much that sometimes, mid-nurse, she decides to suck it rather than finish her meal. Once again, amazing...that digit is really something special these days!

One day in a few years, I am probably going to be ready to pull my hair out due to the thumb-sucking, but right now, I am loving it! How wonderful is it when they get that teeny phalange in their mouth and are able to soothe themselves...just lovely! I can't worry myself about the future woes of a thumb-sucking child just yet...because the present perks are just too great for the moment...