Thursday, June 26, 2008

Madden Turns TWO!

9 months...

Miller had his nine month well check yesterday....technically it was his 'well check', but he has developed a yucky, wet cough again (he had the same cough a few weeks back for a 2-3 week period). So, to make a long story short. We ended up going to Coastal Imaging for a chest x-ray and repeat ultrasound of his little kidneys (they needed to check his kidneys for a problem that had been noted at his US he had at 4 months). We were relieved and felt very blessed that his lungs showed no pneumonia and the US of his abdomen looked good. What a blessing! He is just enduring breathing treatments now to help rid him of his dreadful cough.

Miller is still a little fella-- he weighed in at 16 lbs, 6 oz and he was 28.5 inches long...both his height and head circumference were up considerably from his 6 month appointment, so Dr. Hobby is not concerned...he is just going to be long and lean! Mill is really getting around these days...he does the army crawl just like his big brother did and it is too cute and FAST. He is also pulling up on everything, babbling like crazy and eating like a little hog(g)...he is also feeding himself bananas, cheerios and crackers. He loves to watch and play with his brother and sister...that is until he sees his mommy--then NO ONE else will do...he is a textbook 'mama's boy' for sure! If only a third child could just be genetically predispositioned to not be so needy...wouldn't that be matter how much he cries, we just love him more and more everyday and enjoy every second of seeing him change and develop...

Yay, for 9 month milestones!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

don't ask!?- - volume 1


Amish bubble beard

peep eye!

miller aka catfish davis

ley's lunch creation...interesting

boys will be boys. ugh.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Birthday Love...

My sweet Madden--

I had trouble sleeping last night...I kept thinking about the fact that two years ago, I was preparing for your birth! Seriously, at 1 AM I was laying in bed listening to you cough through the monitor and remembering that I was pacing the halls of Candler hospital with my dear friend Ashley at my side--trying to help my body dilate! And dilate it did...and then you were here...amazing as ever and so small (especially in comparison to your brothers!!) and perfect in every way...

I cannot believe how you have grown in the past two years...I am loving every minute of being your Mommy! How you make me smile...and laugh, oh my goodness! Your laugh is contagious...Thank you, Jesus, for blessing me with Maddie...she is and always will be 'my best girl'...

Happy, happy birthday, Maddie!

Jer holds his sweet baby girl for the first time...

Ley meets and holds Maddie!

Maddie ready to go home in Mommy's dress...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Can you say VACATION?

No, not Disney World or NYC (can't wait to hear about your girl's trip my Mere!?) or even Tybee Beach for me...just a little blog vacay that turned into a sabbatical of sorts. Don't get me wrong--I have still been around checking up on all of you and your precious little families. I just needed a break, like I am known to do periodically. So, since the beginning of April I allowed my blog to go by the wayside...but I am coming back pressure or anything, right? But just so you know I have truly enjoyed all the goody in everyone else's blogs/myspace/friendbook (each to their own, although I apologize to those who blog or post pics on myspace or friendbook because I rarely get time to browse those venues anymore--and, well, blogs are just much more fun and family friendly!!) is so wonderful to be able to keep up with friends and family and read about their interests, struggles, outings, fun(ny) stories, life changes, and most of all--see their sweet faces! So, to all my fabulous friends who have continued to check my blog for the past 75 days with no news of the Davis' wild and crazy life, and who truly wondered if being outnumbered as parents could have POSSIBLY really done us in for good--we are still standing (actually, I spend most of my days on the floor in some capacity--but you get my drift)!