Thursday, November 30, 2006

One More November Post...

I haven't posted because I am sick...ugh. I am hoping I am on the mend, but nervous that the crud may have developed into a sinus infection. May have to go to the doctor tomorrow--but I do feel a bit better today.

I had a very special Birthday/Thanksgiving in Richmond with my mom and dad. Jeremy was sick while we were there (thanks for passing it to me, Jer!), but he seemed to heal up nicely after about 36 hours. We celebrtated my 30th birthday very low-key (except for the raging fire on top of my cake...that was pretty exciting!) and had a woderful non-turkey dinner of roasted pork loin on Thanksgiving( was delicious, Dad!). My mom and I even shopped a little on Black Friday--we spent an hour at Kohl's. I found a coat within 15 minutes of arriving. Then, stood in line for over half an hour waiting to pay for it. We decided to go home after that! We went to colonial Williamsburg on Saturday and spent the afternoon there walking the streets of old. We were hoping they would have the town decorated for Christmas, but no such luck!

It was definitely worth the 17+ hour drive there and back with the other 38 million Americans traveling, to be with my precious family--thanks for inviting us up and taking such good care of us, Mom and Dad!

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Wishing that I had put makeup on and fixed my hair that morning--but, c'mon, I was about to travel 8 hours in the car with two little ones!

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Our Thanksgiving meal and Ley checking out the homemade cranberry sauce (boy, was it good with that pork loin!!)

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Granddad and his kiddos!

Colonial Williamsburg, VA