Friday, October 19, 2007

One month ago today...

Can't believe Miller is already one month old!! Seems like just yesterday he was growing in my belly or I was holding him in the time flies by, especially when you have a newborn and two other little ones!

Miller is sleeping much better which I am so thankful for, and we have a pretty good little schedule going. Mornings are hard because he gets up around 3:30 or 4 AM to eat; I am usually able to go back to sleep by 5 AM and get a couple hours to snooze before I am up again at 7:30 AM to get Ley fed and ready for school. I get Maddie out of the bed at the last minute; give her a sippy cup of milk; pile everyone in the Tahoe and we are off...I am very thankful that Ley's school has car drop-off and pick-up or it would be a bit difficult for us! Just yesterday one of the teacher's looked at the three carseats lined up across my second-row seat and asked, "Do you have enough room in there for all those kids!?"

Here is one more pics of the other two Davis offspring in the tub as well as the biggest Davis kid :)