Sunday, October 08, 2006

Can You Do This??

My daughter is only 15 1/2 weeks, but already she is able to perform amazing tricks! She is normally quite fond of just the right thumb, but sometimes when she finds her hand to be up close to her mouth she just decides to suck her entire fist! I couldn't get to the camera quite fast enough and by the time I took the above photo she had already pulled part of her fist out of her mouth. I kid you not though, she can get her entire tiny mitt inside her gummy, little mouth. Wow...she definitely doesn't go by the motto of "less is more", that's for sure.

I am very new to the whole idea of thumb (or in some cases, fist) sucking since Leighton could not get enough of the pacifier. Madden makes a face like you are feeding her peas for the first time when you try to stick a paci in her mouth. Madden likes her thumb SO much that sometimes, mid-nurse, she decides to suck it rather than finish her meal. Once again, amazing...that digit is really something special these days!

One day in a few years, I am probably going to be ready to pull my hair out due to the thumb-sucking, but right now, I am loving it! How wonderful is it when they get that teeny phalange in their mouth and are able to soothe themselves...just lovely! I can't worry myself about the future woes of a thumb-sucking child just yet...because the present perks are just too great for the moment...