Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Happy, happy, joy, joy....

Resurrection Sunday

We are so glad to be back home, although we so enjoyed seeing our family and friends back in Louisiana for our very brief time there. We are still trying to recover from our 12 hour trip home on to you all...


rachel hood said...

BEAUTIFUL family...thanks for sharing!

Rachel said...

I am so glad that I got to see you! You don't know how much we miss you, "Jenemy", and the kids. I can not believe the hug Leighton gave me. It made me miss him even more. YOU guys are precious to us...hope you know it! We love you!

Shandra said...

what a SWEET family pic!!

The Cascio Whirlwind said...

I thoroughly enjoyed our visit! I miss y'all so much and wish you were so much closer. Those babies sure are beautiful and my little Leighton is all grown and handsome! Time flies. I am glad you were able to spend some time with family during the holidays. Love y'all!

Jessica said...

I agree, that is a sweet family picture! You all look so good!

Elizabeth said...

It was so fun to see you Easter Sunday. You look great and of course you kids are adorable.